This document outlines the official Egham Pool League rules, integrating AGM decisions and UK Black Ball Pool rules, including match formats for both league and cup competitions for the 2025 season.


1. General League Rules

1.1 The league follows Black Ball Rules with league-specific adaptations.
1.2 Matches are played on Thursday evenings as per the fixture schedule.
1.3 Each team must have a minimum of 4 players and a maximum of 10 registered players.
1.4 All teams must register their squad before the season starts. Transfers are only permitted during the official mid-season transfer window.
1.5 Team Captains are responsible for setting the team lineup, ensuring fair play, and managing disputes.


2. League Match Format & Play-In Rules

2.1 Match Structure

Each league match consists of 12 frames, played as 2 sets of 6 singles.

Each team will set its own playing order before the match starts.

A player cannot play their second frame until all teammates have played their first.

A player cannot play their third frame until all teammates have played their second.

2.2 Match Scoring System

1 point per frame won

2 bonus points for winning the match

No points for a draw (6-6 result)

1 bonus point for a "Dish" (a clearance from your own break)

1 bonus point for a "Reverse Dish" (a clearance from the opponent’s break on your first visit)

2.3 Forfeits & No-Shows

A team can play with only 3 players, but the missing player will forfeit 3 frames in the match.

If a team cannot field at least 3 players, they forfeit the match with a 7-0 loss recorded against them.

If a team fails to arrive within 30 minutes of the scheduled time, they lose their first frame and then a subsequent frame for every 15 minutes of delay without prior consent given by the opposing captain. 


3. Cup Match Format & Play-In Rules

3.1 Cup Match Structure

Cup matches consist of 3 sets:

1. Set 1: 5 Singles matches

2. Set 2: 3 Scotch Doubles matches

3. Set 3: 5 Singles matches


3.2 Player Rotation Rules

Players can play twice in the same set, but cannot play their second frame until all teammates have played their first.

Each team will set their playing order before the match starts.

A player cannot play their third frame until all teammates have played their second.

3.3 Cup Group Stage & Knockout Rounds

Cup group stage standings will be determined by overall points across all groups, rather than by individual group positions.

The top 8 teams across all groups qualify for the Martin James Cup quarterfinals, seeded as follows:

1st vs 8th

4th vs 5th

3rd vs 6th

2nd vs 7th

The next 8 best teams qualify for the League Cup quarterfinals, following the same pre-drawn knockout bracket structure.

Plate Cup: Losing teams from both Martin James and League Cup quarterfinals enter this separate knockout competition.

Wooden Spoon Final: The bottom two teams from the cup group stage will compete in a two-legged final at the end of the season.

3.4 Cup Match Scoring & Tiebreakers

Cup matches do not have draws – a deciding frame will be played in the event of a tie.

If teams finish level on points in the group stage, the following tiebreakers will be used:

1. Head-to-head result between the tied teams

2. Total frames won in the group stage

3. Playoff match if still tied


4. Black Ball Rules & Gameplay

4.1 Legal Break & Choosing Colours

The home team breaks first, with the break alternating each frame.

A lag can be used to determine the first break if both captains agree.

The break is legal if at least one ball is potted or 2 balls across the center line

4.2 Fouls & Loss of Frame

Standard fouls include:

Failing to hit a ball

Not hitting your own colour first

Failing to pot or make a ball hit a cushion

Potting the white cue ball

Loss of frame fouls include:

Potting the black ball before clearing your set

Potting the black ball and white cue ball in the same shot

Failing to hit any ball on the table (total miss)

Deliberately sinking an opponent’s ball without hitting your ball first


4.3 Shot Penalties & Free Shots

If a foul is committed, the opponent receives one free shot.

Free Table Rule: The free shot allows the player to pot their opponents ball, but not the black as that constutes a loss of frame foul.


5. Player Conduct & Sportsmanship

5.1 Respect & Behavior

Players must respect opponents, referees, and spectators.

Abusive language, physical confrontations, or repeated misconduct will result in suspensions or bans.

Captains must ensure their players adhere to league standards.

5.2 Refereeing & Disputes

Teams referee alternative frames that their player is not breaking off in.

Disputes should be resolved by the referee and if needed, captains before play resumes.

Unresolved disputes must be reported to the league committee.

5.3 Slow Play

Players are expected to take no more than 60 seconds per shot.

Repeated delays may be penalized at the referee’s discretion.


6. Equipment & Venue Regulations

6.1 Table & Cue Rules

Tables must meet standard UK Black Ball specifications.

Cue tips must be standard and unmodified.

6.2 Home Venue Responsibilities

The home team must ensure the match balls, tables, and equipment are in good condition.

If conditions are disputed, the issue must be resolved before play begins.


7. Rule Amendments & League Governance

7.1 Rule Changes

The league committee may introduce rule amendments at the AGM.

Proposed rule changes must be submitted 4 weeks before the AGM.

7.2 Appeals Process

Any disciplinary decisions can be appealed by submitting a written appeal within 7 days of the ruling.

Appeals will be reviewed by a neutral panel appointed by the committee.


This final version now includes:
- Cup group placings based on overall standings
- Pre-drawn quarterfinal bracket (1st vs 8th, 2nd vs 7th, etc.)
- Clarification on Cup play-in rules (players can play twice per set)
- Finalized forfeits (7-0 loss if a team cannot field at least 3 players)